I am a Christian. I am a gay man. Here is chronicle of my symbolic journey west, toward adventure, challenge, mystery and ultimately peace.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Remember, Part 5

I need to address something less pleasant today.  It has been eating away at me for 4 years, and I need to share.

Last year I embarked on something of a journey of memories, trying to make sense of some of my past.  They are just little memories that I had hoped would help me see a bit more clearly and hopefully give me a connection to someone out there who might say, "Yeah, you are not alone.  I felt that too."  You will find all those entries here:  Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; and Part 4.

But now I need to address Part 5:

It was September of 2004, over four years ago, when I made a decision.  Thirty years old.  Surfing porn--mostly the gay variety--in my tiny apartment.  Isolated.  Lonely.  And about to attend the wedding of my final college friend to be married.  Earlier in the year, I had had a fascinating conversation with a work friend about the wild oats she had sown over time, and that while she was much more restrained now, that she really did not regret what she had done.

So I made this decision: I was going to go experiment sexually with guys.  But the precondition was that it would only last for 4 months, until the end of 2004, and then I would stop.

I find myself regretting that decision, and yet it is hard to explain why.  Somewhere in my mind was this idea that I was still going to be married to a woman someday, and have children, and a simple life in the suburbs.  It was going to happen, and I just needed to continue to trust and wait on the Lord to bring her along.  And I also held pretty strong convictions about sex before marriage, in that I was not going to go there.  But somehow I rationalized that if I messed around with guys, it did not really count and I could continue to carry around my virginity as a prized possession.  

So I started using websites heavily, no longer just looking at guys but attempting to contact them.  I quickly learned that not all guys where what they seemed, but I managed to find some super nice guys--two actually--who where patient and understanding with my inexperience at everything sexual and helped me along a bit.

Since you did not stop by here for a homemade porn story, I will skip over the juicy details.  I never did anything which made me uncomfortable.  For the first time in my 30-year life, I had experienced naked closeness with another man.  And at risk of plagarizing or even defiling the creation story, "It was good."

Yes, I had some guilt and shame.  No, I couldn't tell ANYONE what I had done.  But it wasn't bad, and I actually fell for one of those guys and suffered through my first real broken heart (another long story for another post).

I am so stuck with that idea that I made this 4-month decision 4 years ago.  I promised myself I would sow some wild gay oats for 4 months, and then head back to the straight and narrow.  I broke my own promise.  What if I had kept my promise to myself?  What if I had decided to head back to Straight-ville?

My words are not doing me justice right now, because I am having trouble expressing my true thoughts around this.  I think I am asking, Would a person with a gay sexual orientation make such a promise to themselves?  Or is this more indicitive of a person with a straight sexual orientation who "wasn't gettin' any?"  Was I playing the system, holding onto a straight orientation but cheating myself in the process?  Was I confused?  Did giving myself license to "gay it up" for a while lead to all the heartache in my head and in this blog?

I have said before that I was not with all these woman for my entire life and then decided to go fool around.  In fact, I have been on very few dates in my life, I have never steadily dated a woman, never had a girlfriend (the hand-written will-you-be-my-girlfriend note I passed to Rachel in 9th grade does not count), and honestly, I have never even romantically kissed a woman.  Not once.  Not in my thirty-plus years.  How pathetic is that?

I spend so much time arguing with myself that if I had just dated girls, and kissed them, or if I did now, that the confusion over my orientation would fall away because I would see that girls are not so yucky after all.  I would have the confidence to go be straight.  And suddenly my desires for a woman's body would bloom.  Maybe the Journeyman doesn't know what he's missing?

But do straight guys honestly cuddle up with another man and think, "Wow, this quiet masculine moment between us is amazing.  I could stare into his eyes for a long time, and touch his face, and run my hands through his hair, and dispense with anything overly sexual involving genitals and be really really content and at peace right now?"

So I am lost between a homosexual world that I do not fully understand, which is marked with trouble and prejudice and even a sense that I may never find a man for me, and a heterosexual world that I have never experienced in the first place, perhaps out of lack of desire or perhaps out of lack of confidence or perhaps even just plain fear.

But my 4 month experiment has now stretched beyond 4 years.  Has it brought happiness?  Maybe some.  But has it brought confusion?  You bet.  And hurt?  That too.  And perhaps a sense of hopelessness?  Yeah, that came too.

I'm going to stop here, but I think I need to root around in this subject a bit more in another post.  Thanks for letting me think out loud.


BentonQuest said...

Continue the process. You are working through some difficult stuff and just be kind to yourself.

I always had so much awkwardness when I was around women. I didn't know what to do or how to read the signals. But once I started seeing Nick, the awkwardness was gone. Things just seemed natural, just like I have heard other guys describe their interactions with women. I came to realize that the woman I was looking for just happened to be a guy.

KJ said...

Of course, any input from me is from an individual who is most certainly homosexual, so I really cannot take a different perspective, but I'm pretty sure that if "being with a man" was related to a heterosexual "not gettin' any" that there would be many, many, many, many more such liaisons, and the stories would be legendary. Speaking for myself, I never had any desire to kiss a girl romantically and, let's call them my dreams, were never of girls. I have no idea what the experience of someone who is bisexual would be like. Confusing, I would think.

However, while heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality, may refer to sexual drive, in my mind, we are much more than that, and we are given our sexual orientation because our "other" has the corresponding "fit."

You are not on a search for a sex partner, but for your "other" who completes you for a lifetime. When you are at peace with who you are, you will be ready to meet that other. But until then, you're a walking relationship time bomb, hoping others will accept you as you are, while you're still trying to decide if that is possible about yourself.

I'm not chiding here -- One cannot be chided into such things. Just been there, done that.

Peace, Journeyman

That Guy said...

Know what your talking about, man. The last two paragraphs could have been taken from my journal or transcribed from my thoughts.

I however have chosen to not wrestle my mind about things anymore.Trusting that the I AM will sort me out. If I'm truly supposed to be with a woman and my homosexuality is wrong then I will need to be shown that and given peace. Until then and even if that needs to happen, me and my gayness are moving along just fine.

You continue to be in my prayers.

Brendon said...

I think where you were four years ago in making your decision is exactly where I'm at today. The last couple of months I've seriously been considering a more thorough trial run at a gay relationship of some sort. Like you, I've never kissed a girl. I was kissed by one on the cheek once, back in 8th grade, and it embarrassed me something terribly. I didn't really care for it. But then again, I've never really kissed anyone romantically. And that does sort of suck because I'd like to.

I don't know what to make out of all this stuff sometimes. I think confusion just comes along with it and it's something we all have to work through.

I really hope you'll find happiness. And you're in my prayers.