I am a Christian. I am a gay man. Here is chronicle of my symbolic journey west, toward adventure, challenge, mystery and ultimately peace.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Good news! I've been making some progress lately with my life.

Bad news! I've had so much to think about lately that it all gets jumbled up sometimes.

Nevertheless, I took great joy in my own laughter last night. I was watching The Family Guy on TV because I do not always care pomp that is the Oscars. And while I cannot actually remember any punchlines, I did laugh out loud several times. And that's something I haven't done in a long long time. It's as if my spirit is just a bit lighter and that God has lifted some of the burdens off my life of late.

For that I am very thankful. Now I just wish I could be a little more disciplined about stopping by here to process and work out my 'stuff.'


allends said...
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allends said...
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Vic Mansfield said...

Sweetheart, you've probably not done anything stupider than me. Glad you can laugh. That's very important.

Keep the faith, and be true to yourself. It isn't all as we once thought. Coming out if big stuff. I'm with you.

Shalom & Cheers, Joe.

KJ said...

Before I made the decision to come out, I went through a period of pretty severe depression. The day that I decided to take "the plunge" I was filled with peace, and the next day I laughed as I saw steam coming off of the backs of some buffalo standing in a frosty field near my home. I was startled at the sound of my own laughter.

Laughter is a very good thing.

Peace of Christ

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone.

KJ, lots of people tell me that very same thing. But I guess I'm not convinced. Each time I consider the idea of coming out, a chorus of voices break out that say, "They'll hate you."

Even so, hopefully soon something will change.

KJ said...

Hey Journeyman!

I didn't mean to imply my experience would be yours. Your comment just made me remember the experience of a laugh after a long "laugh fast".

I do not take my immediate peace experience, which occurred several months before I could actually begin the coming out process due to various church commitments, for granted. I know many fellow believers for whom the process has been much more arduous. This has been true of those I know from church backgrounds more "conservative" than mine, and others with a more "liberal" church background. One thing that we all seem to have in common, unless someone else takes it upon him or herself to out us, we come out when the angst of staying in exceeds the fear of coming out.

When it's time, it's time, and no one other than yourself through the guidance of the Spirit can tell you when that time is. Don't sweat about knowing "when". You will know. Meanwhile, relish the experience of learning of a faith that is not just inherited, but is your own, personal faith journey. In the end, you will have much more to offer fellow journeyers and those that are to follow.

Of course, the biggest fear is regarding how others will react when we reveal ourselves fully, and for most of us, that's all over the map and something over which we have no control, so it becomes a "God thing" (i.e., God is in control). I was able to let most of the negative reactions roll past me as I realized the only ones offended were those who thought of themselves as safely in the Kingdom. Yet, while they took offense to my attempt at a level of authenticity which is seldom expected of other believers, I was able to share my faith with people I would have never even met if my goal had been approval of the "elect" and religious "safety". You have already engaged in that blessing through your blog.

I'm afraid that the way of the cross is fraught with adventure, but in following Christ, would we really expect anything different?

Peace and joy in the journey!