I am a Christian. I am a gay man. Here is chronicle of my symbolic journey west, toward adventure, challenge, mystery and ultimately peace.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


This pretty much sums it up lately.

Frustrated at work.

Frustrated with finances.

Frustrated with too much free time.

Frustrated that when I try to plan something, 18 other things happen that derail me.

More than anything, Frustrated with myself.


Jarred said...

Sorry to hear it. I hope things start looking up soon.

grace said...

you know how to get to the nitty gritty of feelings better than most anyone i read....thanks for making me feel normal most all the time.
love and grace,

daveincleveland said...

so just say to hell with it,get away for a weekend come to cleveland and i'll show you around.....:)

Peterson Toscano said...

I'm lost for what to say, but so glad you feel free to share your frustration. Like jarred wrote, I hope this start to ease up for you.

BentonQuest said...

Sorry things are getting to you. Just keep plugging away, things have got to get better!